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Chapter: Chi Omega- ΧΩ
Values: Friendship, Scholarship, Community Service, Campus activities, Career and Personal Development, and High Standards of Personnel
Philanthropies: Make-A-Wish Foundation & Exceptional Care for Children
Colors: Cardinal and Straw
Founded at UD in: 1988
Chapter Website:
Chapter Instagram: @udchiomega

Involvement: The sisters of Chi Omega are very involved with their philanthropies, Make-A-Wish (National) and Exceptional Care for Children (local). These sisters have held Netflix Parties, and prior to Covid a drive-by Halloween Parade for Exceptional Care for Children. They also held a drive-by Wish Parade for 17-year-old Eddie, and granted his wish to get an X-Box. These women decorated their cars and made Eddie a basket of goodies. The Chi O sisters host Wish Week each year, which includes events like ChiHop where sisters made pancakes and dropped them off all around campus, Waggin' for Wishes where these women brought dogs for students to pet and play with, and a Parent's Brunch with raffles, all in order to raise money toward their philanthropies. The Chi Omega chapter has adapted to virtual fundraisers such as bingo boards for social media, a Pura Vida bracelet sale, and selling T-shirts.

Sisterhood: Being a Chi Omega means being a passionate, strong-willed, and sincere woman. Being in Chi Omega means there will always be a shoulder to cry on, always having a support system, and always feeling like you are a part of something bigger than yourself. The women of Chi O motivate one another to be the best versions of themselves, and to accomplish their dreams. Chi Omega is a group 
of intelligent, and confident women who are all unique in their own way. Chi Omega emphasizes inclusivity and promotes sisters in being well-rounded members of the UD community.

Words from the Chapter President: "Chi Omega has totally changed my life since joining freshman year— I owe much of my happiness and success throughout my college career to this amazing group of women. I was hesitant to go through recruitment freshman year, as many girls are, but it was a step out of my comfort zone that landed me into a safe space with hundreds of girls who share the same values as me. I have met incredible women within this chapter who are one-of-a-kind, wise, caring, brave, and beautiful. My favorite thing about the Chi Omega sisters is the welcoming and open arms each sister has for one another. At every event, I have the opportunity to talk to a new sister, which allows me to connect with women who, otherwise, I wouldn’t have crossed paths with. Chi Omega Rho Lambda is incredibly special because of our dedication to academics, authentic friendships, and involvement within the chapter, but also outside of the chapter on campus! I always feel incredibly proud wearing my letters on campus, and I feel so comforted seeing my sisters on campus showcasing our letters and representing what it truly means to be a Chi Omega. Words cannot describe the gratitude I have for Chi Omega because of the growth it has fostered within me. My time in this chapter has been nothing short of amazing, and I encourage everyone to take a once in a lifetime chance to find your people, build lifetime friendships, and find your home on campus!"
-Natalie Hirn, Chapter President 


"Joining Chi Omega has been a defining moment of my college experience. It not only has brought me closer to so many women by being in the sisterhood, but also has allowed me to participate in events and fundraisers that are very personal for me. With both of our philanthropies, Make A Wish and Exceptional Care for Children, my sisters and I have been able to see the direct impact our fundraising efforts have had on so many children’s and family’s lives. My personal favorite event has to be Chi Hop, where we host a pancake night raising money for MAW, and also become closer to our sisters. With so many of us being passionate about the work we do to help the community, we in turn strengthen our relationships with each other and grow together as a chapter. Being a Make A Wish child myself, I am so grateful to be apart of such an amazing chapter full of passionate, supportive, and dedicated women, that allow me to give back in more ways than I could’ve hoped for."
-Isabelle Sparango, Philanthropy Chair

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